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Curtains Up

The Do's and Don'ts


Students should be comfortable and can move freely in all lessons.  It is also important that students both look and feel part of a team.

All students must wear

Curtain Up T-shirt*

Curtain Up hoody* 

Jazz shoes*

Black jogging/dance pants

Jewellery, jeans or skirts, trainers, boots or sandals are not permitted at any time. All hair must be tied back.

*available from us.



Food & Drink

For break time please provide your child with a drink (no fizzy drinks or glass bottles) and a fruit/vegetable snack (no sweets / crisps). This will help prevent dehydration and hunger and therefore help the children learn, respond and retain. Please label any personal items. 

DO NOT send any nut or seed containing products with your child.


We are a theatre school and expect the students to behave with respect for fellow students. We will not tolerate bad behaviour of any kind, including:-

  • Continual disruption to the running of the school & lessons
  • Mental/Physical abuse of other members or teachers/principals
  • Swearing, bad language or inappropriate behaviour

Should your child exhibit any signs of bad behaviour the principal will decide the most appropriate course of action. It may result in expulsion from the school. Where necessary the parent/guardian will be kept informed.

Dropping off / collection

We are responsible for your child's welfare whilst at the school. Outside of this, including travelling to and from the school, we cannot be held responsible for their safety. We therefore ask all guardians NOT to drop their child off in the car park, or arrange to pick them up from there without prior notice to the school principal. Instead please escort them/pick them up from the designated area and ONLY leave them if there is a leader present who is made aware of your arrival.

Please do not leave your children earlier than 10 minutes prior to the session as we will not be responsible for them.

Please note children of primary school age or younger may not leave unless you pick him/her up or alternatively we have been informed that you have arranged for another party to pick him/her up. If this is the case please let us know at the start of school.



This is what Curtain Up lessons look like!